The people should not build the military, the military should not build the people. We do not need to live in a militarized society.
New Profile is a feminist movement which opposes militarism. Striving toward an Israel which ceases to be an army with a state, we act to decrease the influence of militarism on daily life, and make Israeli society more civil, tolerant, and peaceful. We have been doing this for more than twenty years, by counseling Israeli refusers and those independently choosing to seek exemption, as well as by promoting critical discourse regarding the relations between military and society in Israel. We understand that there is a group of Israelis who are bothered by the deep involvement of the military in civil life in Israel. Due to the prevailing militarism in Israel, those who do not agree with the status quo are not heard, and we are determined to raise the dissenting voice nevertheless.
supports individuals who independently choose to avoid or discontinue service in the Israeli military, in a society that views such a choice as illegitimate. It provides them free counseling, information, and legal aid through the highly complicated and stressful exemption process. You can find here detailed general information, based on years of experience of Network workers and volunteers, supporting over 20,000 youth in receiving an exemption from the military since 2001. In addition, Network volunteers will be happy to consult with you on your personal situation regarding exemption.
Through our education and outreach activities, New Profile raises questions regarding militarism in Israel and its effects on Israelis and those living under military occupation. We conduct workshops and lectures with a variety of audiences, focusing on youth and educators. Our movement is connected to a wide network of activists, specialists, and researchers who discuss militarism in a variety of contexts. If you want to get to know us in a small group or a big event, online or in person, we will be happy to be in touch.
What is militarism, why is it problematic, and what is the connection between feminism and opposing militarism?
New Profile is promoting a critical discourse regarding the effects of militarism on our society and the individuals within. If you want to read, learn, or ask questions about militarism in Israel, this is the place to understand how we conceive militarism, its problematic significance, and how it negatively affects with gender, society, and education.
Though it is barely discussed, military service has significant effects and consequences on some conscripts, especially youth at risk and those belonging to marginalized populations. In the video, we present voices of young adults, describing the hardship they went through during their military service.
New Profile is a volunteer-based movement. We have several options for integrating you in our activities. If you are interested in volunteering for New Profile please contact us
Bank Hapoalim
Account No. 421120
Branch 630
Sokolov Street 90
Ramat HaSharon, 4726405, Israel.
Swiftcode: “Poalilit”, IBAN: IL210126300000000421120
Make a tax-deductible donation via
La Galerie Fokus: Fokus Galerie
Charity Registration
No. 132450230 RR 0001
Plateau Mont-Royal 68, Ave.
Duluth E. Montreal, Quebec H3W 1G8
Please kindly notify us of your generous support by e-mail or by using our contact form